|| ज्ञानस्य निर्मलं नेत्रं ज्योतिष्यकमनुत्तमम् ||

Jyotirvidya Parisanstha (known as JVP to the people of Pune, India and to most of the Indian amateur astronomers) is an association of amateur astronomers and a non-profit organization. On August 22, 1944 some eminent citizens of Pune formed JVP, primarily to spread the knowledge of astronomy among the public and also to make their own contribution as far as possible. It was the first association of its kind and remained so for a few decades. Right from its conception, JVP has been actively working for the propagation of astronomy in purely scientific temperament. JVP is the first Amateur Association to Host the ALL INDIA AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS MEET in 1991 and the first All India Messier Marathon in 2012.
JVP Membership:
Membership of Jyotirvidya is open for all those who share the common passion of Astronomy. JVP members are from various disciplines and in all age-groups. There are three categories of membership:
- Life membership
- Annual membership
- Student membership
Outreach Programs arranged by JVP:
- Star Party: Every month on a Saturday near the new moon, JVP organizes an over-night star party outside the city of Pune around 30 km from the city. The program contains naked eye star gazing, telescopic viewing of moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies; slide shows; astro-games, etc.
- Astro-events: On the occasion of special events like solar and lunar eclipses; transits; oppositions of planets like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn; etc. free public programs are organized in the city of Pune.
- Lectures: Public lectures by scientists from IUCAA, GMRT or other scientists visiting Pune are organized.
- Basic Astronomy Course: Every year in the month of May, a course of around 20 days is arranged which covers lectures on basic topics in astronomy like solar system, stars and galaxies, telescopes, radio astronomy, comets and meteors, eclipses, primary mathematics in astronomy, astrophotography, etc. One observational and practical session at a dark site is also arranged for the participants.
- Astronomical Study Tours: Visits to important astronomical sites near Pune are arranged which include: Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT), IUCAA Girawali Observatory (IGO), Lonar Meteoritic Crater, Nehru Planetarium, etc.
- Astronomical Exhibitions: JVP organizes exhibitions based on astronomical themes.
- Publications: JVP intermittently publishes books and monographs on subjects related to astronomy.
- JVP always tries to inform the public about any astronomical event that is predicted. Also JVP tries to keep the public informed about the major activities and the inventions / discoveries in the field of astronomy through all types of media. Some members of JVP do write regularly in the local newspapers regarding the planetary positions and astronomical events like occultations, space probes, current events in astronomy etc.
Programs on demand:
JVP organizes programs for groups on invitation. These programs include lectures, sky shows, star party (4 hour party or over night parties). Schools, Colleges, Corporate companies, various clubs invite JVP to conduct programs like star parties or lectures for their group of people. These are specially conducted programs as per the age group and background of the group.
Programs for members:
- JVP members are working on different serious observational projects at the observation facility of JVP.
- Various groups work in JVP like astrophotography, meteor observation group, deep sky observing group, occultation observing group, etc. The observations are recognized by international centers for these observations like IMO and IOTA, etc. Few of the photographs are also published in reputed international journals like Sky & Telescope.
- Messier marathon and many such astronomy related events are carried out by the members.
- Guidance is provided to members to make their own telescope.
- Guidance is provided to students participating in astronomy Olympiad.
Facilities available at JVP:
- Library of JVP boasts some very old and rare books as well as books and magazines giving latest and up to date information on astronomy.
- JVP has a number of small telescopes for the beginners and operates a telescope library for members.
- JVP has set up observing stations with a number of instruments.
For more information on facilities, click here.
Get in touch:
JVP office at Tilak Smarak Mandir, Pune is open on every Sunday evening. You can become member over there, take part in the discussions. You can contact us on: jyotirvidyaparisanstha [at] gmail [dot] com. You can subscribe to our mailing list by entering your email ID on a google group using google plus icon at bottom of home page. You can join our social networking group on Facebook.
Volunteer Workforce:
All the programs of JVP are organized by our enthusiastic and dedicated team of volunteers. All the members of JVP work for the organization as their hobby. The events are coordinated by executive committee and core committee of volunteers and all member volunteers do their best to make these programs a great success. This is the secret of the successful 75+ years of the organization.